ARV Miine

Status: Planning & Design Stage
Class: Miine
Type: N/A
Prefix Meaning: Autonomous Research Vessel


ARV Miine will be the first vessel to go on an extended oceanic mission. We will send prototypes into the ocean first but the ARV Miine will be the first to be on its own for more than a few hours or days. The ARV Miine is the lead ship of the Miine class. The name Miine comes from the Siletz word for “rough water” or “rough ocean” and it is pronounced mee-ne.

Its main purpose will be to help us learn about designing small autonomous vessels. It will have an arrangement of sensors but its main goal will be to test if the sensors, hull, propeller, and other parts hold up to the harsh ocean environment. There are many issues that can occur on a long mission so we hope we can find the weak points and fix them for when we build our second vessel.


Coming soon.


No missions planned as of yet.